First Chapters

So how's the epic novel about the inter-galactic warrior and his trusted space turtle probe coming along? Finished? Sent it off to your favourite publisher? Your publisher forwarded it to Jay Leno's writers? Well, now's your chance to get your work of art published. By means of the 'First Chapters' contest for wannabe writers, being promoted by Touchstone / Simon & Schuster and Chapters contest

The New York Times has a conspiracy theory that the First Chapters contest is a publicity stunt by struggling publishers, struggling writers and struggling book stores to try and revive their fortunes online.

C'mon. As 'American Idol' proves, it's a good learning process, both for participants and the audience, in this case, the readers. Chapter by chapter, when you fight to be one better than the other writers, it crystallizes your thinking, shows you what you did wrong at each stage. So you correct your mistake at that stage, and try again in another contest. You go one stage up.

End of the day, or maybe a couple of years, your writing will have improved beyond recognition. You get expert advice from publishers and acclaimed writers, you pit and hone your skills against your peers and, in the process, get your own 2 minutes in the limelight. So what's not to like about it? Course, it would be great if you were to win the darn contest....

Visit to learn more about the 'First Chapters' contest for new writers.

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