Morality Jerks

Headline: Lesbian writer expecting baby with partner. News? Maybe....
Headline: Mary Cheney expecting baby with her partner. News? Maybe...
Headline: Groups mixed on Mary Cheney's pregnancy. News? You bet!

Mary CheneyThe New York Times weighs in..."Mary Cheney, the daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, is expecting a baby with her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe...Focus on the Family, an influential Christian group that has provided crucial political support to President Bush, released a statement that criticized child rearing by same-sex couples."

So what's the news? That a lesbian writer, who happens to be the VP's daughter, is having a baby with her partner? Nope. It's the reactions. The accusations, counter-accusations and quotable quotes from groups for and against same sex couples.

And what's the best part about this whole new hoopla? Journalists will be able to dredge up and quote the whole kerfuffle over John Kerry's comments about Mary Cheney during the 2004 election debates. And all this just after the mid-term election coverage is cooling off and the holiday stories are yet to begin. Perfect for a slow week. It's going to be plastered on cable, the blogs, MSM in-depth stories and experts weighing in. And what's it all going to be about? Mary Cheney? Nope. It's going to be morality jerks vs. leave us alone jerks. Get your popcorn now!

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