Write For Cash

I know that most of you are already freelance writers, probably much better than me. But there's so many publishers and site networks and portals and vertical portals and blog networks and paid content and article sellers on the web, that I thought it might be a good thing to list all of them in one place. It's not possible that you're writing for all of them ( you might be if you you're one of those aliens from a Spielberg film with a couple of heads and a few dozen hands ), so this list might come in handy in case you're looking for new freelance or contract writing jobs.

Two Headed Blog
www.twoheadedblog.com deserves a link because firstly, he's the only writer with two heads ( sorta ) and secondly, he's also a tree hugging librul ( at least for the next 5 years ), when at age 35, he plans to become a conservative. Nice timing, huh? He'll be a conservative just in time to see Jeb Bush become the Prez.

Anyway, I'll list here all the places on the net where you can get paid to write ( some of whom have paid me a lot over the last few years and some of whom I'd like to see pay me a lot over the next few years.) So, here goes nothing:

About.com - Be A Guide
Pays upwards of $500 USD per month. Hard work, hard to get, hard to maintain and ferocious competition. But once you get the hang of it, you can get sweet checks worth $1000-1500 USD every month. The company was recently acquired by the New york Times company, so you'll be part of a very prestigious network.

Adapt, Inc. - Get Paid to Blog
Graded pay based on the word count of your blog post. $300 USD cap per month ( not that you'll make that much...). Still, it's good money for blog posts.

Suite101 - Freelance Writers
Get paid for your articles based on the number of page views. Pays $2 USD for 1000 page views. Again, it's debatable how much you can make. Far as I know, they ain't paying so much now. But still, if you can generate traffic to your own articles....

Wisegeek - Contact Wisegeek

I'll have to complete this post later. Got a few pending "works of art" to take care of. If you have any links to add, be my guest.

Update: Ok. Let's get on with it.

WriteForUs - Uhh..Login?
Yeah. Yeah. I'll update the link if / when I find it. But don't hold your breath.

ExpertVillage - Become An Expert
There's a bit of history and background information about this one. Personally I haven't signed up, but that's only because I'm not an expert. Neither do I do videos. All I can do is type, and then some. Anyway, it's your call.

HowToDoThings - Become An Expert
At first glance, it may not seem like something you want to do. But it gets really interesting later on. Believe me.

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